Performance Comparison of Short-Length
Error-Correcting Codes
Johannes Van Wonterghem and Joseph J. Boutros
Ghent University, Belgium
Texas A&M University at Qatar
May 2018
1 Outline
1.1 Structure of this page
- Maximum-Likelihood (ML) Decoding over the BEC
- OSD Decoding over the BI-AWGN
- List of Codes for Short-Length Error Correction
- Performance Results
→ Researchers and Engineers from all fields are welcome.
2 ML over BEC
2.1 The Binary Erasure Channel (BEC)
We consider the ergodic binary erasure channel (BEC). The channel input is
binary and its output is ternary. Only erasures occur on this channel, no
- Shannon capacity of the BEC is C = 1 - ϵ bits per channel use.
- Rate 1/2 code → ϵmax = 1∕2. Rate 1/4 code → ϵmax = 3∕4.
2.2 Maximum-Likelihood Decoding over the BEC (part 1)
- Linear binary code C[n,k,d]2 of length n, dimension k, rate R = k∕n,
and minimum Hamming distance d.
- Let G be a generator matrix of C, G is k × n.
- The source vector b =
∈ F2k.
- A codeword of C is obtained by c = (c1,...,cn) = bG ∈ F2n.
- There exists a generator matrix in systematic form G = [Ik|P],
in this case c = [b | p].
- Let H be a parity-check matrix of C, H is (n - k) × n.
- Any codeword of C satisfies the constraint Hct = 0,
i.e. n - k parity-check equations.
2.3 Maximum-Likelihood Decoding over the BEC (part 2)
Example: Extended-Shortened BCH code [n = 10,k = 5,d = 4]2.
The code has |C| = 2k = 32 codewords each of length n = 10 bits.
b = ( 1 0 0 1 1 ) then c = bG = ( 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 ).
Check Hct = ( 0 0 0 0 0 )t.
2.4 Maximum-Likelihood Decoding over the BEC (part 3)
2.5 Maximum-Likelihood Decoding over the BEC (part 4)
- ML decoding via Gaussian elimination has an affordable complexity, at
least in software applications, for a code length n as high as a thousand
- The cost of solving Hct = 0 is O(n × (n - k)2).
- Results shown at the end of this talk are obtained for a short length
n = 256.
3 OSD over BI-AWGN
3.1 The Binary-Input Additive White Gaussian Noise (BI-AWGN)
- A codeword c in F2n is mapped into a codeword in {±1}n, i.e. a BPSK
symbol sequence s = s(c), where si = 2ci - 1, for i = 1…n.
- The BI-AWGN channel output is r = s + η, where r ∈ ℝn and
ηi ~
- Take noise variance σ2 =
and energy per bit Eb =
The channel parameter is the signal-to-noise ratio Eb∕N0.
Maximum-Likelihood Decoding, known as Soft-Decision Decoding:
- The likelihood P(r|s) is proportional to exp
- The cost of exhaustive decoding is 2k metric computations!
- Near-ML reduced-complexity decoding: Ordered Statistics Decoding
3.2 OSD Decoding over the BI-AWGN (part 1)
- The OSD algorithm: an efficient most reliable basis (MRB) decoding
- Firstly proposed by Dorsch in 1974.
- Further developed by Fang and Battail in 1987.
- Analyzed and revived by Fossorier and Lin in 1995.
- Improvements to the original OSD algorithm by Wu and Hadjicostis
in 2007.
- Our OSD implementation is based on several complexity-reduction
Van Wonterghem, Alloum, Boutros, and Moeneclaey 2016.
3.3 OSD Decoding over the BI-AWGN (part 2)
- For a given channel output at discrete time i, i = 1…n, the log-likelihood
ratio is
- The hard decision yields y = [ bHD | pHD ] where
- The confidence value of a received bit is
- The OSD decoder input is:
- The n bits yi found by hard decision.
- The n confidence values αi = |ri|.
The OSD does not need to know the channel noise variance σ2.
3.4 OSD Decoding over the BI-AWGN: order 0
Codeword in F2:
c = ( 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 )
Bipolar codeword:
s = ( + 1 - 1 - 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 - 1 - 1 + 1 )
Received noisy word:
r = ( +1.91 -2.64 + 0.54 +1.13 +1.23 +1.54 +0.56 + 0.20 -0.17 +1.24 )
Confidence values and detected word via threshold detection:
α = ( 1.91 2.64 0.54 1.13 1.23 1.54 0.56 0.20 0.17 1.24 )
y = ( 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 )
3.5 OSD Decoding over the BI-AWGN: order 0
Codeword in F2:
c = ( 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 )
Bipolar codeword:
s = ( + 1 - 1 - 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 - 1 - 1 + 1 )
Received noisy word:
r = ( +1.91 -2.64 + 0.54 +1.13 +1.23 +1.54 +0.56 + 0.20 -0.17 +1.24 )
Confidence values and detected word via threshold detection:
α = ( 1.91 2.64 0.54 1.13 1.23 1.54 0.56 0.20 0.17 1.24 )
y = ( 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 )
Sorted confidence values:
π1(α) = ( 2.64 1.91 1.54 1.24 1.23 1.13 0.56 0.54 0.20 0.17 )
3.6 OSD Decoding over the BI-AWGN: order 0
Codeword in F2:
c = ( 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 )
Bipolar codeword:
s = ( + 1 - 1 - 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 - 1 - 1 + 1 )
Received noisy word:
r = ( +1.91 -2.64 + 0.54 +1.13 +0.17 +1.54 +0.56 + 0.20 -1.23 +1.24 )
Sorted confidence values:
π1(α) = ( 2.64 1.91 1.54 1.24 1.23 1.13 0.56 0.54 0.20 0.17 )
Sorted threshold detection:
π1(y) = ( 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 )
3.7 OSD Decoding over the BI-AWGN: order 0
Codeword in F2:
c = ( 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 )
Bipolar codeword:
s = ( + 1 - 1 - 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 - 1 - 1 + 1 )
Received noisy word:
r = ( +1.91 -2.64 + 0.54 +1.13 +0.17 +1.54 +0.56 + 0.20 -1.23 +1.24 )
Sorted confidence values:
π1(α) = ( 2.64 1.91 1.54 1.24 1.23 1.13 0.56 0.54 0.20 0.17 )
Sorted threshold detection:
π1(y) = ( 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 )
3.8 OSD Decoding over the BI-AWGN: order 0
Codeword in F2:
c = ( 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 )
Bipolar codeword:
s = ( + 1 - 1 - 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 - 1 - 1 + 1 )
Sorted threshold detection:
π1(y) = ( 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 )
Re-encoding from MRB (the 5 bits on the left, i.e. the most confident):
π1(ĉ) = ( 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 )
Final codeword (order-0 OSD):
ĉ = ( 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 ) = c
3.9 OSD Decoding over the BI-AWGN: order 1
- Consider the k most confident bits on the left (MRB).
- Flip one bit out of k, i.e. add an error pattern of weight 1.
- This will generate k codeword candidates.
- From order 0 and order 1, now we have 1 + k codeword candidates.
- Keep the best candidate according to ⟨r,s(ĉ)⟩.
3.10 OSD Decoding over the BI-AWGN: order 2
- Consider the k most confident bits on the left (MRB).
- Flip two bits out of k, i.e. add an error pattern of weight 2.
- This will generate (k
= k(k - 1)∕2 codeword candidates.
- From order 0, order 1, and order 2, now we have 1 + k + k(k - 1)∕2
codeword candidates.
- Keep the best candidate according to ⟨r,s(ĉ)⟩.
3.11 OSD Decoding over the BI-AWGN: order ℓ
- Consider the k most confident bits on the left (MRB).
- Flip ℓ bits out of k, i.e. add an error pattern of weight ℓ.
- This will generate (k
codeword candidates.
- From order 0 up to order ℓ, now we have ∑
- Keep the best candidate according to ⟨r,s(ĉ)⟩.
- The complexity of OSD is O
The OSD is asymptotically optimal if ℓ ≥ min{⌈d∕4 - 1⌉,k} (Fossorier & Lin
1995). The OSD order is taken to be much smaller when improvement rules are
applied, e.g. skipping rule based on weighted Hamming distance or the use of
multiple MRB.
4 Codes
4.1 List of Codes for Short-Length Error Correction
- Reed-Muller codes: The code length is n = 2ℓ. Take Arikan’s kernel
G2 (Arikan 2008) and build its Kronecker product ℓ times, i.e. build
G2⊗ℓ. Select the k rows of largest Hamming weight to get the k × n
gen. matrix.
- Polar codes: As for Reed-Muller codes, k rows are selected from G2⊗ℓ.
These rows correspond to highest mutual information channels after ℓ
splittings. We used Density Evolution for the BI-AWGN channel.
- BCH codes: Standard binary primitive (n,k,t) BCH codes are built
from their generator polynomial (Blahut 2003). An extension by one
parity bit is made to get an even length.
- LDPC codes: Regular (3,6) low-density parity-check codes are built
from a random bipartite Tanner graph (Richardson & Urbanke
2008). Length-2 cycles are avoided, the number of length-4 cycles is
reduced, but no other constraint was applied to the graph construction.
4.2 Joint Decoding of Codes with CRC
I. Tal and A. Vardy (2011):
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code to improve list decoding of polar
Our Approach:
- Let G be the k × n generator matrix of C.
- Let GCRC be the (k - m) × k generator matrix of the CRC code.
- Joint OSD decoding is based on the following generator matrix:
- We considered m = 16 redundancy bits and the CRC-CCITT code
with generator polynomial
- The CRC will select a subcode from the original code G.
5 Performance
5.1 Linear Binary Codes over the BEC, No CRC
Van Wonterghem, Alloum, Boutros, Moeneclaey, 2016
5.2 Linear Binary Codes over the BEC, 16-bit CRC
Van Wonterghem, Alloum, Boutros, Moeneclaey, 2016
5.3 Linear Binary Codes over the BI-AWGN, No CRC
Van Wonterghem, Alloum, Boutros, Moeneclaey, 2016
5.4 Linear Binary Codes over the BI-AWGN, 16-bit CRC
Van Wonterghem, Alloum, Boutros, Moeneclaey, 2016
6 Conclusions
- A universal optimal∕near-optimal decoder was used: the ML decoder
for the BEC (via Gaussian elimination) and the OSD soft-decision
decoder for the binary-input AWGN channel.
- BCH code outperforms Reed-Muller, Polar, and LDPC codes on both
- Under CRC with joint decoding, the different codes lie much closer
together and the choice of a good error-correcting code is not so critical.
- More details are found in our paper: “Performance Comparison
of Short-Length Error-Correcting Codes”, by J. Van Wonterghem,
A. Alloum, J.J. Boutros, and M. Moeneclaey, IEEE SCVT 2016,
Belgium, Nov. 2016.
6.1 BCH Minimum Distance versus Bounds
Result from J.J. Boutros, Techniques Modernes de Codage, ENST Paris, 1998
6.2 Normalized Rates of Codes over BI-AWGN, Pe = 10-4
Result from Yury Polyanskiy, October 2016 (private communication)